Mam kotkę chorą na serce. Zrobiliśmy okresowe badanie krwi. Niepokoi mnie PLT i LIpaza- bo do tej pory było ok.
Proszę zerknąć na wyniki, i wmiare możliwośći podpowiedzieć co to oznacza..
WBC 6,35 G/l 6,00-11,0
NEU 3,82 G/l 3,00-11,0
NEU % 60,1 % 60,0-78,0
LYM 1,70 G/l 1,00-4,00
LYM % 26,7 % 15,0-38,0
MONO 0,340 G/l 0,040-0,500
MONO % 5,35 % 0,010-4,00
EOS 0,480 G/l 0,040-0,600
EOS % 7,56 % 0,010-6,00
BASO 0,018 G/l 0,001-0,100
BASO % 0,290 % 0,001-1,00
RBC 8,57 T/l 5,00-10,0
HGB 150,0 g/l 90,0-150,0
HCT 0,503 l/l 0,300-0,440
MCV 58,7 fl 40,0-55,0
MCH 17,5 pg 13,0-16,0
MCHC 298,0 g/l 310,0-360,0
PLT 121,0 G/l 180,0-550,0
Albuminy 34,8 g/l 26,0-46,0
ALT (GPT) 59,4 U/l 1,00-91,0
alfa-Amylaza 1125,0 U/l 10,0-1850,0
AP - fosfataza alkaliczna 21,0 U/l 1,00-140,0
AST (GOT) 34,1 U/l 1,00-59,0
Białko całkowite 66,4 g/l 57,0-94,0
Bilirubina całkowita 1,51 µmol/l 0,010-5,50
Cholesterol 4,01 mmol/l 1,80-6,50
CK - kinaza kreatynowa 287,0 U/l 50,0-690,0
Fruktozamina 232,3 µmol/l 10,0-390,0
GLDH 1,42 U/l 0,010-6,00
Glukoza 5,37 mmol/l 3,05-6,10
GGTP <0,100 U/l 0,010-5,00
Kreatynina 145,6 µmol/l 1,00-168,0
LDH 264,6 U/l 160,0-1050,0
Lipaza (DGGR) 35,0 U/l 0,100-26,0
Mocznik 10,4 mmol/l 5,00-11,3
Trójglicerydy 0,950 mmol/l 0,060-1,14
Chlorki 115,0 mmol/l 110,0-130,0
Fosfor nieorganiczny 1,15 mmol/l 0,800-1,90
Magnez 0,870 mmol/l 0,600-1,30
Potas 4,53 mmol/l 3,00-4,80
Sód 157,0 mmol/l 145,0-158,0
Wapń 2,19 mmol/l 2,30-3,00
Stosunek albuminy/globuliny 1,10 0,500-1,10
Globuliny 31,6 g/l 19,0-66,0
Trzustka? i
odczekaj miesiąc i sprawdź te parametry jeszcze raz, są to niewielkie przekroczenia i skupiłbym się jak się te parametry zachowają przy następnym badaniu
raczej nie
Zrobiliśmy badanie kontrolne.
Ciut kreatyninia podniesiona.
Czy cośpowinno mnie zaniepokoic ?
T4 (total T4) 27.0 10 - 60 nmol/l 1)
<10 nmol/l Subnormal
10 - 60 nmol/l Normal
30 - 60 nmol/l Grey zone in old or symptomatic cats
>60 nmol/l Consistent with hyperthyroidism
Urea (BUN) 11.2 5.7 - 13.5 mmol/l
Creatinine 172 + < 168 umol/l 2)
SDMA (EIA) 12 0 - 14 ug/dl 3),2)
IDEXX SDMA is a new kidney biomarker; results >14ug/dl are suggestive of
kidney disease. For more information visit http://www.idexxsdma.com
Sodium 155 147 - 159 mmol/l
Chloride 115 109 - 129 mmol/l
Potassium 4.6 3.3 - 5.8 mmol/l
Inorganic Phosphate 1.4 0.8 - 2.2 mmol/l
Bilirubin 2.7 < 6.8 umol/l
ALT (GPT) 67 < 175 U/l
Alkaline phosphatase 22 < 73 U/l
GGT <1 < 5 U/l
AST (GOT) 40 < 71 U/l
GLDH 1 < 11 U/l
Total protein 71 59 - 87 g/l
Albumin 35 27 - 44 g/l
Globulin 37 29 - 54 g/l
Albumin/Globulin-Ratio 0.94 > 0.57
Glucose 8.4 + 3.5 - 7.8 mmol/l
Cholesterol 3.8 < 8.5 mmol/l
Cholesterol (Fasting cats with regular body weight): < 5.2 mmol/l
Fructosamine 222 190 - 365 umol/l
CK 340 < 542 U/l
LDH 180 < 182 U/l
Calcium 2.4 2.2 - 2.9 mmol/l
Magnesium 1.0 0.6 - 1.1 mmol/l
Triglycerides 0.7 0.2 - 4.9 mmol/l
Triglyerides (Fasting cats with regular body weight): 0.2 - 1.1 mmol/l
Haemogram 4)
Leukocytes 5.4 3.9 - 19 G/l
Erythrocytes 9.9 7.1 - 11.5 T/l
Haemoglobin concentration 16.1 10.3 - 16.2 g/dl
Packed cell volume (PCV) 55.0 + 28.2 - 52.7 %
MCV 55.3 39 - 56 fl
MCH 16.2 12.6 - 16.5 pg
MCHC 29.3 28.5 - 37.8 g/dl
Thrombocytes 138 - 155 - 641 G/l
Reticulocytes (relative) 0.18 %
Reticulocytes (absolute) 17900 /ul
Degree of bone marrow response (Reticulocytes/ul):
< 50.000 Normal if nonanemic
< 50.000 Inadequate if anemic
50.000-75.000 Mild regeneration
75.000-175.000 Moderate regeneration
> 175.000 Marked regeneration
Differential blood count
Basophils 0 %
Eosinophils 7 %
Segmented neutrophils 44 %
Lymphocytes 45 %
Monocytes 4 %
Basophils (absolute) 0 0 - 100 /ul
Eosinophils (absolute) 380 90 - 2180 /ul
Segmented neutrophils (abs) 2378 - 2620 - 15170 /ul
Lymphocytes (absolute) 2438 850 - 5850 /ul
Monocytes (absolute) 223 40 - 530 /ul
Gastrointestinal diseases
Feline Specific Pancreatic Lipase 1.0 ug/l 5)
Folic acid
(ECLIA) 32.0 25.2 - 49.0 nmol/l
Vitamin B12
(ECLIA) 564 199 - 984 pmol/l
Ciut kreatyninia podniesiona.
Czy cośpowinno mnie zaniepokoic ?
T4 (total T4) 27.0 10 - 60 nmol/l 1)
<10 nmol/l Subnormal
10 - 60 nmol/l Normal
30 - 60 nmol/l Grey zone in old or symptomatic cats
>60 nmol/l Consistent with hyperthyroidism
Urea (BUN) 11.2 5.7 - 13.5 mmol/l
Creatinine 172 + < 168 umol/l 2)
SDMA (EIA) 12 0 - 14 ug/dl 3),2)
IDEXX SDMA is a new kidney biomarker; results >14ug/dl are suggestive of
kidney disease. For more information visit http://www.idexxsdma.com
Sodium 155 147 - 159 mmol/l
Chloride 115 109 - 129 mmol/l
Potassium 4.6 3.3 - 5.8 mmol/l
Inorganic Phosphate 1.4 0.8 - 2.2 mmol/l
Bilirubin 2.7 < 6.8 umol/l
ALT (GPT) 67 < 175 U/l
Alkaline phosphatase 22 < 73 U/l
GGT <1 < 5 U/l
AST (GOT) 40 < 71 U/l
GLDH 1 < 11 U/l
Total protein 71 59 - 87 g/l
Albumin 35 27 - 44 g/l
Globulin 37 29 - 54 g/l
Albumin/Globulin-Ratio 0.94 > 0.57
Glucose 8.4 + 3.5 - 7.8 mmol/l
Cholesterol 3.8 < 8.5 mmol/l
Cholesterol (Fasting cats with regular body weight): < 5.2 mmol/l
Fructosamine 222 190 - 365 umol/l
CK 340 < 542 U/l
LDH 180 < 182 U/l
Calcium 2.4 2.2 - 2.9 mmol/l
Magnesium 1.0 0.6 - 1.1 mmol/l
Triglycerides 0.7 0.2 - 4.9 mmol/l
Triglyerides (Fasting cats with regular body weight): 0.2 - 1.1 mmol/l
Haemogram 4)
Leukocytes 5.4 3.9 - 19 G/l
Erythrocytes 9.9 7.1 - 11.5 T/l
Haemoglobin concentration 16.1 10.3 - 16.2 g/dl
Packed cell volume (PCV) 55.0 + 28.2 - 52.7 %
MCV 55.3 39 - 56 fl
MCH 16.2 12.6 - 16.5 pg
MCHC 29.3 28.5 - 37.8 g/dl
Thrombocytes 138 - 155 - 641 G/l
Reticulocytes (relative) 0.18 %
Reticulocytes (absolute) 17900 /ul
Degree of bone marrow response (Reticulocytes/ul):
< 50.000 Normal if nonanemic
< 50.000 Inadequate if anemic
50.000-75.000 Mild regeneration
75.000-175.000 Moderate regeneration
> 175.000 Marked regeneration
Differential blood count
Basophils 0 %
Eosinophils 7 %
Segmented neutrophils 44 %
Lymphocytes 45 %
Monocytes 4 %
Basophils (absolute) 0 0 - 100 /ul
Eosinophils (absolute) 380 90 - 2180 /ul
Segmented neutrophils (abs) 2378 - 2620 - 15170 /ul
Lymphocytes (absolute) 2438 850 - 5850 /ul
Monocytes (absolute) 223 40 - 530 /ul
Gastrointestinal diseases
Feline Specific Pancreatic Lipase 1.0 ug/l 5)
Folic acid
(ECLIA) 32.0 25.2 - 49.0 nmol/l
Vitamin B12
(ECLIA) 564 199 - 984 pmol/l
no i bardzo ładnie , pilnuj kontroli parametru nerek co jakiś czas.
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